Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First day

2011-08-08 11.50.31

We bought the school supplies a couple of weeks ago. Bought him some new school clothes. Got his backpack all ready the night before. Talked about a start into big kid school.

He was ready.

He said, "What if I feel like crying?" I said, "It's okay to cry, but I think you will be fine."
He asked if I was going to cry like the time I dropped him off at preschool. I said I was happy he was going and that I would not cry.
There were no tears.

He was ready.

I knew that.
We all waited outside his classroom. He introduced himself to one of his classmates.
They went out to play in the playground. When the bell rang, they walked back and stood by the door, backpacks back on.

"Do you want to be my friend in kindergarten?" Jonas asked. The little boy said yes.
The teacher opened the door and told them to find their name on the table. He began to walk in, already listening, without turning back.
I stopped him to give him a kiss.
"Have a good day at school. I love you."
He nodded his head and walked in.

He was ready.

2011-08-08 12.19.30