Jonas and I made delicious strawberry ice pops today. They are really good. The recipe calls for two tablespoons of honey, which we added.
After they were ready I handed one to Jonas and one to Angus. Then Jonas looks at Angus and says to me, "No, don't give him that, it has honey!"

I immediately take it away from Angus, which makes him cry and what do you think his big brother went to do. He said, "Don't cry Angus," and he runs to the refrigerator, "here, eat some yogurt."
Angus was happy with his yogurt.
Babies, for some reason, can't have honey until, well, I can't remember when, but Jonas knew
that and
remembered and
stopped me from giving it to his little brother.

I hugged him and thanked him for helping mommy and for loving his brother.