{this moment} - A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired bySoulemama.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
An evening with the grands
They have a trampoline, a wii, sand in the backyard and are ready to get down and play with these two little balls of energy. My dad was busy painting his house, working on making it look really nice, so he didn't do much playing.
My mom hurt her back even more after this trampoline party. They were spinning, jumping, laughing and falling. She sat for a while to catch her breath and my sweetie pie Jonas said, "Grandma needs water. I'll go get her some." He did. He brought her a glass of water and she thought that was the sweetest.
Every time we go to their house, we always leave late. I don't know what it is. I try to pack up early but it just never happens. We get so comfy and before we know it, it's 8:45, way past the boys bed time. They usually are in bed by 7:30-45 to be asleep by 8. When I walk into their house I get this familiar feeling, like I never left.
But I feel bad going over there sometimes with all my crew. There are so many of us now, poor grandparents. So many arms that want to be held, so many little hearts that want their attention.
When I'm there I feel I can relax a little and let them take over for a while, although I feel guilty doing so. They aren't getting younger, but they love to give these babes the attention they so crave from their grammy and gramps.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
This moment
{this moment} - A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Museum morning
The kids and I loaded up, or actually, I loaded everyone up and headed to the children's museum this morning. I thought if we went early it wouldn't be busy. I was wrong. There were like four school buses outside and the parking lot was almost full. With tons of people inside, Jonas is a little apprehensive to begin exploring.
Sometimes I think I'm a little crazy when I go out with all three alone, no help, but I figure I have to get used to it. We manage okay. The boys listen pretty well.
It gets hard when we have to stop for snack time, bathroom breaks, and diaper changes. Then Paloma cries because she wants out of the stroller or is hungry, so I put her in her sling while the boys play. Then Angus runs away from me and I'm yelling his name, while holding Paloma, and telling Jonas to get him.
Other moments are fine. They play, explore, create happily-without any trouble at all.
But we have fun, even though mom is ready to pass out from exhaustion. When it's time to leave, I relax once I get everyone buckled in. Thank goodness for car seats that keep all kids in one place! I nurse Paloma in the car before we drive away so that she isn't wailing on the way home. The boys are pretty patient. They know sister has to eat. Angus is ready to take his nap at this point. Jonas just chats his little heart away about everything he saw and did.
We arrive home for lunch. I unbuckle everyone and let my little ones run wild.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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