Sunday, June 19, 2011

To my dad

Feliz Dia de los Padres!

Thank you for being there when I've needed you -for listening, for understanding, for showing me how to be a good parent, for loving and giving of yourself unconditionally. Thanks for the talks -the serious ones, the funny ones, the sad ones, the angry ones, the happy ones -for all of the talks we've had together throughout the years and for those we will continue to have, year after year. Also, for being a wonderful grandfather to all your little grandchildren. They are lucky to have your love and I'm pretty sure they know it, from the smallest to the biggest, they know.
I couldn't have asked for a better father.
your daughter

Happy Father's Day!

To a hands-on, rocket flying, 4-wheel riding, pool swimming and sliding dad. The babes are lucky to have a father like you. One who isn't afraid to get down and dirty and play in the mud, who will ride or slide from the scariest attraction to show there is nothing to fear, who will discipline when needed but also hug when little arms are longing for cuddles.
We love you!
Mona, Jonas, Angus and Paloma

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sleep? Ha!

(Jonas, pretending he is sleeping.)

Everyone decided to join me into bed last night. Did I get much sleep? Well, I think you can answer that one.
I just couldn't pass up taking these photos. Paloma is already looking so big. She sleeps pretty good at night. Finally, one with no sleep issues. I better knock on wood.
I ended up putting her in her crib, but Angus moves around way too much.
And once one is awake at 6 in the morning, they are all awake at 6 in the morning.

This moment


Pizza for dinner

Last night was pizza night. We made it ourselves. Well not the crust, that was store bought, but we put the toppings on and it was pretty good.
The boys liked it. Jonas ate three slices.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, vanilla yogurt and apple juice all in our little blender (a gift from grandpa).

We woke up craving some very-berry smoothies. Jonas added the ingredients and let Angus put a blueberry and a few blackberries in and we blended our fruit drink. It was delicious. I just had a sip, because these boys drank all of it.
Lucky them!

Paloma, wishing she could have some smoothie, but changing her mind because who wants to get that messy.

Our little garden seems to be doing good. The sunflowers are doing great and the corn is growing. Can't wait to see some flowers. The tomatoes are green, but can't wait for them to be ready. We will have to think of something really good to use them in, something that requires only two tomatoes.
These others sprouted yesterday. Jonas says Miah threw some cantaloupe seeds in, so that is what we are guessing they are. They are all growing very close together.

The chicks are ready for the day. Lulu looks like she's in a good mood.

Found these two in the kitchen playing on my phone.

Jonas tried to build his train, again. It keeps breaking apart. He tells me he skipped a few pages, because he just didn't feel like doing them. That explains the falling apart bit.
Little Angus looked cute all berried up, so I took another photo of his face before it was wiped clean. This boy gets everything he eats all over him.

Here are some glamour shots of my Paloma.

Her eyes are so big and beautiful!

We visited my parents. We hung out for a while, then headed over to Value Village, a thrift store that hasn't changed at all. It looked like they had all the same stuff from about, oh, 15 years ago.
Look at that. It takes three people to walk our children in -my dad carrying Paloma, my mom with Angus and Dona with Jonas.
What a big family we have become!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

She's ready!

The last couple of weeks, Paloma has been eyeing our food. If she sees the spoon get a little close to her, she'll open her mouth and try to get to it.

Today was the big day for my little bug. Jonas was excited. "This is big for my little dulcan." I don't know why he calls her that, but that is her current nickname.

He grabbed the camera and I asked him to take photos while I fed her.

At 4-months, 3 weeks old, she had rice cereal. She liked it. She ate really good, considering it was her first time. She was really happy, too. She also wanted to hold the spoon herself. My beautiful girl is growing so fast.

Friday, June 10, 2011

This moment

{this moment} - A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.

Our day

Dear Miah,
Here is how our day went. I'm sure your day was very different from ours.

We were out early today. I took the boys and girl to eat donuts. They knew what to order because you have taught them well. We ate and drank milk & apple juice and after our sugar-high we were off to the bank to deposit your check, then stopped by Target and then home.

It was 10 a.m. when we were in the house. We relaxed, Paloma napped, Jonas and Angus ate lunch. Jonas played some games on the computer. It was only for about 1/2 an hour, so don't worry it wasn't long. I tried to put Angy down for his nap but it didn't work out. I think I fell asleep for about 10 minutes.

We were bored and I asked them what they wanted to do. We couldn't visit my mom and dad because my mom is sick. My poor mom keeps getting sick.

We decided to go to the museum. Jonas took 4 dollars out of Hamm to buy something at the gift shop. Stuff there is so expensive. I saw the butterfly growing garden for $26. What a rip! He bought a little caterpillar that you wind up and walks. It isn't anything big, but he was happy he bought it with his own money.

We played for about an hour and then it was time to go. Angus was asleep for most of the time. Paloma was in my arms the whole time. I hope my arms get a little more muscle and a little less fat by carrying her.

On the way home, Jonas kept talking about his butterflies and how he hoped his caterpillars would be delivered. (He hasn't stopped talking about them since you left.) I was telling him it may take a few more days to get here since we ordered them on Tuesday. You know the talk. And guess what? They were here!

He was excited. He wanted to call you, but I told him we would wait to tell you until you called us.

They watched Lilo and Stitch, had dinner and then we played outside.

This is what we were doing outside:

I forgot to mention that Lulu is staying with us. I also separated the laundry. I've got a lot of washing to do! Wish you were here to help. Also, Lulu has destroyed a part of our garden. I was very upset about this! We now have three sunflowers left. Ugh!

After all our backyard fun, it was bath time. I had all THREE babies in the tub. The boys were getting too wild so I took Paloma out. The boys brushed their teeth. We had to bribe Angus to brush his. Jonas let him hold the caterpillar container and then he let me brush. Bribery works. Paloma fell asleep first. Then, after four books, or was it five? I can't remember. They fell asleep and here I am typing this, wishing you were here! Once 5 o'clock rolls around, we usually look forward to seeing you, knowing daddy is coming home. It's been hard knowing you aren't going to walk in and you've only been gone 3 days.

Well, can't wait to hear about your day.

We miss you loads!

Love you,