Wednesday, October 30, 2013

the night before Halloween

It is the night before Halloween. The kids are sleeping.  They are excited about tomorrow.  Some costumes are ready, some we need to work on, but we'll be ready tomorrow. This month flew by, just like the one before, but this one flew especially fast.  

What is going on with time?  Never did I think that 2013 would go by this fast.  November and December will be here and then bam, happy new year!  

The children keep growing and it's good and sad at the same time.  I love their little selves, yet they can be so wild and crazy.  I stop and think, one day they will be grown up and the fits and tantrums will be forgotten, in my mind and theirs.  But the sweet, cute moments definitely outweigh the hard times. 

Tomorrow they will have a busy day with class parties, tons of candy  and a late night.   I better sleep too.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

change in the weather

We are outside.  Outside is a wonderful thing, because about two weeks ago, we did not want to be outside.  We would melt and become gooey globs of yuck.  But now, the weather is starting to be just right.  

It seems like it changed from one day to the next.  All is good in phoenix.  We all look at it in a new light. It is bearable.