To my hubby on his birthday,
I wish you the happiest day ever and many, many, many more birthdays to follow! Thank you so much for everything you do for our little family. You are a wonderful man with a kind heart that is full of love.

I know how hard you work everyday just to keep your family feeling comfy.
You are the one who makes us feel safe when dinosaurs roar at museums, the teacher of fishing, the one who digs the dirt for planting gardens, the one to trim nails when mom doesn't, the one who teaches little ones about nature and its beauty, the builder of cool motorcycles, the one who helps throw bowling balls down the lanes, the one to make tricycles go faster, the one who jumps in the pool when a little one is begging for him to go in, the one who makes us feel safe all the time and all the other many things you do.
Thank you for being YOU!
Happy Birthday!
We love you,
Mona, Jonas and Angus.