(Grandpa, Woody and Buzz. Baby 'Rias as a monkey. The Duo ready for some candy.)
They were the unstoppable duo of Woody and Buzz.
They seriously did not want to stop trick or treating. Angus ate so much candy that night. His pumpkin was fuller than Jonas' because every time they put candy in it, he reached out his hand and said, "little, little," and then everyone would hand him another. He'd try to bite into it right away, before grandma, grandpa, Miah or I could take it from him.
Jonas didn't really eat much candy, but this year he was ready to keep on collecting. Especially after his buddy, Philip, joined us. People would tell him what a great looking cowboy he was and he would instantly inform them that his little brother was buzz light-year. A big mean wolf scared him and grandma Stella. After that, he could not stop talking about it, even to the people who were giving him candy.
"Uh, uh, let me tell you something. A wolf scared my grandma at the spooky house over there."