We hadn't visited the library in such a long time. I am always late to return the books we check out, which then leads to late charges, sometimes a lot of charges.
I'm always afraid to check because, ugh, all I want is to check out books, not pay the library every time we go.
This time it wasn't so bad. We paid our fine and I told Jonas we were only going to check out 10 books. Those 10 turned into 32.
Who can resist all those stories?
Jonas and Angus were pulling books out for bedtime. They wanted to read them all.
I am so thankful that my boys like books.
Angus sits still for a few books. Not all the time, but it's getting better.
Jonas continues to love reading. He asks for more than three a night.
Pretty soon my little mama is going to love books, too. I just know it.