you turned three years old on wednesday.
you are my sweet, handsome little boy, with your big brown eyes and light brown hair.
you are such a wild man, too.
:are fully potty trained. yay!
:love to hold chickens, baby chicks and roosters.
:like transformers, spiderman, batman, iron man and cars.
:are nice and mean to your baby sister.
:like to swing in the little red swing we have in the backyard and sometimes fall asleep in it.
:can climb up and down the tree in the front yard.
:also like to help me cook. just like bo-bo.
:look up to your big brother and repeat almost everything he says.
:get mad and kick your legs and punch the air. this is adorable to watch!
:will eat candy all day if i let you. i don't let you, though, but you do love anything sweet.
:wish you could go to school with jonas.
:say 'awww' every time paloma does something cute.
:hold my face when you give me a kiss. so sweet.
:have lots of little friends.
:have a loud, squealy voice and talk even louder when your brother and sister are sleeping.
:are always talking about coconuts. (don't know why)
i love you, my little man.
happy birthday!