Friday, June 8, 2012

checking in

if i could bottle up my children's energy and turn it into liquid form, i would only need a few sips a day just to be on their level.  oh my goodness, these kids do know how to live it up.  

they go through many emotions and activities: happy, mad, sad, tired, sleepy, crying, yelling, hitting, loving, running, swimming, laughing, joking, etc, etc, etc...
and all this takes place in ONE day.  ONE mom, THREE different people, ONE day. 
day after day.


where does this leave me?  hmm.  i am trying to figure it out, catch up, everyday, slowly, trying to get it together.  

it's hard. 

i think of things to do to break up the day.  i plan activities, places to go, things to make, people to visit.
some days they just want to hang at home, all day.  fine by me, but sometimes i think i'm the one that goes a little crazy being at home.

if i stay in one place, 
i lose my mind, 
i'm a pretty impossible lady to be with

lil paloma is just a precious little girl.  she has started telling stories, especially to daddy.  she talks and uses hand gestures and it is so darn cute and very interesting.

"she's telling her goo stories," says jonas. for that is her new nickname, goo.

she follows her brothers and tries to do the same as them.

she picks out her clothes and sometimes isn't happy until we put on what she picks.  a purple striped shirt with pink and white flower pants is more her style.

jonas has been on a pooppeedumbstupid spree.  he cannot stop saying these words.  everything is dumb, poopy or stupid.  i am pretty tired of it.  the other day i asked him why he always has to use those words.

"its the age thing, you know," he said.
because he's heard me say it often.
"it must be his age!?"

oh, and i am sooooo mean.  all of the time!
he's been getting into spiderman, too.  we've watched spiderman 3 a thousand times this last week.  

angus is picking up a lot of the dumb words jonas is using, but he's more of a tattle tale.

"mom, bobo say tupid"

he is also a really great spiderman.  always practicing outside, climbing on the futon, shooting his web. he's influenced paloma, she too, knows how to shoot web and make appropriate sound effects.

   if he gets in trouble for whatever reason, he knows how to play the sweet card.

"i love you, mom"  or  "let me give you kiss"

he is always hugging jonas and hitting paloma.  or vice versa.  

so the summer days go by and i try to make the most of them with my three little ones.  sometimes they are lots of fun and other times they are pretty darn long.  everyday i think about my babes and know they are one day older.  this time will never return.

they are growing, pulling, pushing away.  at times it's hard to acknowledge and accept. but that is the way it is supposed to be.  as long as most of those days i can see smiles on their faces, then i know i'm doing okay by them. 

last night, i read the boys a book where the main character received a note from her teacher after a tough day in school.
it read:

today was a difficult day, 
tomorrow will be better.