Wednesday, December 26, 2012


The photos were taken after our Christmas Eve party.

Miah made a delicious dinner. One second the turkey was out of the oven, on the counter in its entirety and the next second, or so it seemed, it was gone. We were all hungry and Miah makes the best turkey dinner. That explains it.

We opened the few presents we had with our family and friends. Some members of the family were missing, but not forgotten. The kids were dressed in their traditional, bought-by-grandma Tricia, Christmas pajamas. They were excited.

Jonas and Miah had made a cross out of wood they had found in the backyard. Jonas painted it and told dad where to put it -at the top of our tree. "Because Jesus was on the cross," Jonas said.

In the middle of the night, I heard someone stirring. It wasn't Santa, but Jonas, discovering a tree with presents, lots of them. "Jonas?" I said. "Mom, Santa came. I was good!" he said.

In the morning, he tried hard to wake Angus, but Angus didn't want to be bothered. He finally got up and the tearing of paper began. These boys were blessed with many presents.

Paloma was happy with her FOUR babies, crib, stroller and especially her puppy.

They played outside all Christmas Day with Miah.