The first day of January was supposed to be my first post, but that day has already escaped me. So here I am, writing my first post of the year, on the third day. How typical of me! Always running late or behind or leaving it to the last minute or trying to catch up. Ugh, someday I'll get it together.
2012 was such a difficult year. There was a lot happening, as it should, but geez I hope this year is smoother. Slow, it will not be, as I have learned from previous years and growing up, getting married and having children. The days just fly on by.
At the beginning of 2012, I had a baby, whom is now a talking, running, playing, yelling, very opinionated toddler, with her likes and her dislikes and her "hold" and her roars. I had a quiet little boy, who played on his own and talked of Spider-Man and other superheroes, but who now wants to be on his brothers level. He wants to play all the big kid games and do all the big kid stuff because, as he puts it, "I'm a big boy now." I had another little boy who was learning how to read in kindergarten and is now one of the best readers in his first grade class. From baby to toddler, from toddler to preschooler, from kindergartner to first grader.
And there was a bunch of other stuff, but there is not enough time.
Ill just say, what a year!
I hope 2013 takes it easy on all of us.