Friday, May 31, 2013

my loves

Colds and crazy days  lead to me not paying attention to the sweet moments.  I watch them and listen to them I just get caught up in the moment and don't really focus on them, but they are on my mind.  Her are some:

He helped Paloma at the y when I dropped them off.  He talks to her and tells her I  am going to be right back.  He plays withe her so that she does not cry for me.  When I walked in to sign them out, I saw lomy and Jonas walking to the board games.  He didn't leave her for a minute.  What a great big brother.  
If he sees me look worried or sad he gives me a hug and tells me he loves me.  "I feel bad for you mom," if he knows something didn't go as I wanted or am disappointed about something. 
He woke up this morning and made spaghetti because he was craving it.  
He found some invitations I had, filled them out and delivered to our neighbors.  He set up a table cloth and asked me to put the pool out front.  I sliced up a watermelon and cut up quesadillas.  He filled out goody bags for his buddies, but only one showed up.  We were expecting more.  It was still a fun party!

In the car, when I was giving them my "they have to listen to mommy" spiel, angus said, "I'm going to listen to you mommy and give you hugs and kisses when we get to our house."  And he did, my little sweetheart.
When I got home from the shop last night, the kids had a movie on with auntie maria and angus had fallen asleep on our chair.  As I picked up a sleeping Angy, he kissed my arm. Always a lover, that boy.
When he jumps into our little blue plastic pool, he always does a belly flop and I always cringe, thinking it hurt him.  His legs are too short to lift and jump in like big brother.
He is my lazy child who doesn't like to pick anything up because he is either too tired or he says, "but I'm just a boy." Even if he is standing right in front of the object I asked him to pick up.

She wanted me to play with her all morning.  She always wants to go into her room.  She knows that all of the things in there are hers.  She likes it even though it is not as fixed up as it should be for a sweet little girl.  We lay on the bed and she picks out a book and has me read to her. Over and over.  
She holds her babies and shushes them to sleep, just like i and grandma Stella do with her.  
If she hears music playing, her little hips start swaying. 
She has been going potty pretty consistently at home.  We run to the bathroom and then I wait while she goes and she smiles so big.  I try not to make a big deal because she frowns upon that.  
She says: skwing for swing, and skwimming for swimming.