Our second day on the beach.
From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., a full day of work pretty much. Work which consisted of sitting on the sand, walking on the sand, getting wet, looking for seal life and digging, lots of digging.
My favorite thing to see when we are on a beach with my babes is watching them play together. All there is around them is water, sand, air, and little ocean creatures. They play and play. There is never a dull moment. They work together throughout most of the day, except for the occasional sand throw. They spend all day outside and never want to leave. They truly know how to enjoy the time we are here.
Jonas will dig pools for he and his brother and sister. He loves searching for crabs and other sea critters. He enjoys touching and picking up what he finds, too bad sometimes those two things are prohibited. He likes getting in the water, but is very cautious about it.
Angus loves getting into the water, jumping the waves and getting wet. That is all he wants to do. He also loves finding crabs and anemones. He likes finding little pools of warm sea water to sit in.
Paloma is a brave little one in the water. She loves jumping the waves and getting soaked, sandy suit and all. She holds the little sand crabs that dig themselves under in a second, the ones that I don't like to hold. She is as much an explorer as her brothers.
It is them and nature. Nothing else is needed. They know their way around. No instructions required. No need for anything else.