Angus and I held hands all the way to the school from the far off parking space I could find. He was getting tired he said, it was hot. I wanted to pick up my boy and carry him, but I knew that wasn't a good idea for his first day. And the fact that he is super heavy.
"But, mom, I'm still four," he said, holding up four little left handed fingers. He walked thoughtfully the entire way.
"Angy, remember, you are five and it's going to be ok. You are going to have a nice teacher and make lots of friends." I reassured him, when in reality I needed reassuring.
It is hard for me to let go. I am not very good at letting go of these three beautiful children I love everyday of my life. They are my life and I can't just let that go so smoothly. It's just not in me. I wish I can hold them tight at every age and keep them that way. Year after year.
The last bell rang, I gave him a hug, a kiss and walked out trying to be as brave as I could be. I turned the corner and my eyes welled up. I cried in the car to Miah over the phone.

All day I felt sad about leaving my mango. When i picked him up he looked hot, but happy. He said it was a long day. He was a little chatter box. He told me stories about his day, some too wild to be true. Angus has a vivid imagination.
"I'm glad you had a good day, but I sure did miss you," I said.
"I missed you so much I exploded," he said. "The kids didn't even notice I was not there. Then my pieces came back together and I was back. Nobody knew I was not there."
"Wow, well thanks for missing me that much."
Tomorrow will be day three. I know it will be fine. He is going to do great, just as my Joni did. I'm the one who needs to learn to let go.