Sunday, June 7, 2015


I am trying to be better about visiting my parents.   So many days go by when I stop and think that I have not really sat and talked to them in person.  I am always running here and there, with school drop offs and pick ups, homework and bed times. 
I think back to when my grandma was alive and in better health.  I think about all of the times I could have visited her, but didn't because I was caught up in my world.  Now, there is no going back.  I often get a thought of wanting to visit her and I can't. Its just an empty spot that I can't fill.  I don't want that to happen with my parents.  I don't want to feel that again.  I want to know that I did all I could and was there all I could be.  That I sat there and talked to them.
I want my children to know how important it is  to spend time with all of their grandparents. They are creating memories that I hope will never be lost.  I want them to feel that love that only grandparents give, because it is special.
Every time we do visit them, it definitely is a fun time.  The kids love them and love being at their house.  Even when there is nothing to do.  We find something. We do it all together.