Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It will be so nice


The Arizona days are becoming so much more pleasant.  The storms have been rolling in, kind of washing away the hot summer days.  Even though I am sure there are still a few more hot days in our future forecast, this is the sign of the changing seasons. We don't get the changing leaves just yet, but we do get cool, crisp mornings and evenings.  

It makes living in this dessert bearable and it brings back the beauty I knew was there, at least for me it does.  
During the hot summer months, my mood drops and I look out my window and stare out as the sun blares its heat on our yard.   It's strange how the days can be so bright and sunny and yet so dreary, all at the same time.  I step outside and feel the heat on my skin and wonder how much hot it can take.  Apparently it can take 115+ degrees Fahrenheit.

Now, we step out and feel a cool breeze in the air in the mornings.  We step into businesses and feel good talking about the weather to people we encounter.  We are amazed at how cool 80 degrees feel and a smile follows said amazement.  As if we didn't know it could be this way.  Every summer we forget how hot it gets and then we forget that eventually, there is an end to it.  Jeremiah and I look at each other and let out a little laugh because we think 87degrees feels so good, heck even 90 degrees depending on what you are doing.  


It's like we all made it through the tough brutal phoenix summer and we didn't know we'd see our way out of it.  
And here we all are, on the other side, in the double digit weather, with grins because stepping out of your car or walking on a sidewalk will be much easier.

It's safe to stand outside and let the sun shine on your face.  We are more accepting of it and it's powerful rays.  We won't be stuck inside for hours waiting for it to cool, for the cool will begin and last longer.  My mood will slowly become lighter.  Our street will become louder with the sounds of kids playing outside during the early afternoon.  Bedtimes are already starting to take place just a little earlier. Just a little.

What a difference a few degrees make.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Almost cool

With busy school/work weeks, you would think we would slow it down on the weekend.  Not us.  The weekends are filled with so many things to do.  We just can't take it easy.  We are always on the move. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  At least we are enjoying our days.  Many people say there is not much to do in phoenix.  I think we prove otherwise.  You have to find things to do.  The weather has cooled only slightly.  But we still drag our kiddos to the park.  They go on long bike rides and we are out so long, even during the hottest time of the day.  It tell them that at least they know they are tough and can handle anything.

Of course, we always make sure they are safe, hydrated and make stops in cool places when needed.  

This park visit had Angy swinging as high as he could swing, but Paloma was flying higher.  We spotted three bunnies  and a quail.  

Jonas ran down to pick up a couple of tame ducks.  Two little girls were holding them.  Our three went to join in.  They counted how many fish they saw int the pond for future fishing purposes.

They don't know it yet, but this is memory making in action.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

picture days and funny faces

Last week, the boys had their school pictures taken.  We let them dress pretty casual compared to other kids.  Some wore suits and bows and vests.  While others wore regular t-shirts.  At least we put a shirt with a collar on angus and jonas wore a red tie...With his green striped shirt, that doesn't require a tie.  It had puppies on it, too.  Can't forget that detail.  
Good thing he showered that morning.   Look at that shiny mane on the boy.

This is the face he said he was going to make for picture day.  

And I would have ironed Angy's shirt or jonas' shorts, if only my iron worked.  I was thinking of putting some gel in Angy's hair.  Miah thought the same thing, but as we buckled him in his car seat, we realized neither of us had done it.  

At least they will look like their wild selves and not like some clean cut kids that no one would recognize.  Maybe we'll remember the details of those photos years later.  The fact that they both needed a haircut and an iron through their clothes.  We'll remember how they each added their special touch to their picture. 

 I can't wait to see them.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

labor day - monday

Jonas woke up when miah was on his way to work.   He tried to lay back down to sleep a little longer, but I knew it was wishful thinking.  There was no more sleep in store for this boy.  He surprised me with breakfast on the table.   He wanted to cook for me so i wouldn't work on labor day.

We met miah at the shop with our bikes in the truck.  A perfect morning bike ride awaited us.